Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Laws Of Nature And Nature's God

Knowledge Of The Laws of Nature And Nature's God (see http://ThomasPaineRedux.com

In the same way that there are physical laws that maintain and control every aspect of physical life, there is also the Laws that controls the progression and evolution of the Mind of Man. In the same way that there is physical gravity, there is also gravity of mind -- which we often portray as the power of satanic forces. The more advanced the Soul, the more easily that person is able to prevail over the gravity of Mind. So, it can be portrayed as testing which evaluates us to see if we are prepared to enter a higher level of mind and being. Let me present you with an example of these Laws of Mind: When our astronauts flew to the moon, while it is true that rocket propulsion was used to escape the earths gravity and limiting factor of its organic atmosphere, the astronauts then utilized the Natural Laws to escape the pull of the earth, and permit the spacecraft to be pulled to its destination. When flight engineers make reference to a window when operations in space can be achieved, what they are making reference to is the proper alignment of the planets that enable space flight to be achieved. Scientifically, this would be portrayed as slingshot paths that are called Gravity Assist Trajectories. They use the gravity and motion of planets to pull a spacecraft into a new path. Quoting the article on Navigation in Space (see http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/docs/navigation/3-slingshot.html ): "Gravity is a very important force. Every object in space exerts a gravitational pull on every other, and so gravity influences the paths taken by everything traveling through space. It is the glue that holds together entire galaxies. It keeps planets in orbit. It makes it possible to use human-made satellites and to go to and return from the Moon. It makes planets habitable by trapping gasses and liquids in an atmosphere. It can also cause life-destroying asteroids to crash into planets. ...Consider Voyager 2 ... the spacecraft's arrival was carefully timed so that it would pass behind Jupiter in its orbit around the Sun. As the spacecraft came into Jupiter's gravitational influence, it fell toward Jupiter, increasing its speed toward maximum at closest approach to Jupiter. Since all masses in the universe attract each other, Jupiter sped up the spacecraft substantially, and the spacecraft slowed down Jupiter in its orbit by a tiny amount, since the spacecraft approached from behind. At this point, Voyager 2 had been sped up enough by Jupiter's gravity to get a speed greater than Jupiter's escape velocity. As it left, it slowed down again, but it never slowed all the way to the speed it was before getting to Jupiter. It left the area near Jupiter faster and in a different trajectory. This technique was repeated at Saturn and Uranus. Gravity assists can be also used to decelerate a spacecraft, by flying in front of a body in its orbit. When the Galileo spacecraft arrived at Jupiter, passing close in front of Io in its orbit, Galileo experienced deceleration, helping it go into orbit around Jupiter. " So, our scientists in understanding the Natural Laws, timed their sequences where they initiated rocket burns to take advantage of the natural movement of the planets, where they could then manipulate these Natural Forces to bring about the results which they envisioned. When our Constitutional Framers sited The Laws of Nature And Nature's God, what they were referencing was man's ability to time and take advantage of the Laws and Forces of body, mind and spirit, to bring about and invoke a higher state of consciousness, which permitted them to possess the vision and knowledge necessary to apply this knowledge of the Laws to the birth and development of the United States -- which harnessed and invoked the Laws to manifest an environment where what we portray as American Exceptionalism could be fostered and brought about in the lives of the American People and the world (see http://ThomasPaineRedux.com ). This foundation that would usher in what has been portrayed as American Exceptionalism, has enabled Souls who have sought the Higher Self-Knowledge to advance in Consciousness and Mind-Development beyond organic human levels. An example of this ability to manifest Higher Mind and Enlightened Consciousness is demonstrated in the Restoration of the Original Gospel Teachings which were corrupted by the Church (see http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com ). And an understanding of the Cosmology of both the Gospel and Mind (see http://GospelCosmology.Ebionite.com ). In the same way that a working knowledge of the Laws of the Cosmos enables our scientists to plot and navigate space -- and the knowledge of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God enabled the Deist Founders to orchestrate the birth of a nation that would usher in Exceptionalism -- those Souls who understand the Cosmology of Mind are able to advance their Consciousness beyond organic human levels -- thereby enabling them to achieve levels of Wholeness and Self-Knowledge of their Complete Self. And it is this body of esoteric self-knowledge of the Natural Laws of Mind that was being made reference to when the Apostle Peter wrote to James that if the esoteric body of knowledge was to become lost, that "...it will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error".
The problem is that the Atheist who envisions a Utopia on earth, as well as the faith-based religious believer who envisions the Kingdom coming upon the earth, both reject the very knowledge of the Natural Laws which are necessary to institute and bring about the Destiny they envision. And if I make any reference to the Deists who did possess to varying degrees an understanding of the Natural Laws, both the Atheist and the Theist envision a misguided group of intellectuals who have invented some alternative theology which they portray as a reason-based quasi-religious cult. And if I say that the body of esoteric knowledge of the Laws and Natural Forces is necessary to begin to acquire Higher Spiritual Knowledge, both the Atheist and the Theist portray this whole concept as heresy. Yet, if both the Atheist and the Theist are to bring about the utopian kingdom/destiny which they envision, it will be necessary to possess this higher esoteric knowledge of the Natural Laws to bring about the very objectives they hope and pray to come upon the earth. In the same way that you can't escape the earth's gravitational pull and navigate a spacecraft to the moon without the essential knowledge of the Natural Laws, man's utopian quest will remain elusively beyond his reach, until he acquires the knowledge of the Higher Laws of Nature and Nature's God. The historical man Jesus prevailed over the Laws to the degree that he became At-One with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God. This is seen in the position of the original followers and disciples of Jesus who walked and talked with him daily when they stated that he (Jesus), "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34). Those who do as Jesus commanded and pick up their own cross and follow in his footsteps, are able to observe the Law completely that enables them to become Anointed (Messiah/Christ). Those who fail to prevail over the Royal Law, remain totally carnal in their thinking and incapable of comprehending both the spiritual meaning of the scriptures, as well as their own Higher Soul-Reality that is envisioned in the words: Know Thyself.

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Mental-Shackles Of Faux-Science And Fallacious-Religion

The Mental-Shackles Of
Faux-Science And Fallacious-Religion

While both academia and organized religion has portrayed our present day culture as knowing and enlightened, modern man dwells in a state of self-ignorance and alienation from the True Being that we are, and our True Reality.  To the degree that we no longer possess the Wisdom of Enlightened wise men and women of our more distant past.  While it is true that we have made wonderful technological advances that we did not have in the past, unless a successful life can be defined by the buttons we push, the movies we watch, or the people we text, then the advanced technology must be defined as a distraction.   So long as we remain ignorant of our True-Reality and the purpose of the life we are living, we will be confronted by the fact that when we pass from this life, we will be forced to acknowledge that our modern culture dwells in a state of Intellectual Poverty -- i.e., as stated in the Gospel of Thomas: "...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty". 
When we hear the adage of wise men of the past to Know Thyself, the statement provokes the questions: Other than the person we have come to be as seen in our physical image reflected back to us in the mirror, what is there to know?  If we use the example of the proverbial iceberg, the person we see reflected back to us is a fraction of our True-Self -- and when the ancients of great wisdom expressed the need to Know Thyself, what was expressed was the need to perceive and understand the Mind and Consciousness that we are an embryonic fragmented reflection of -- often portrayed as the false-self, the ego-self, and the earthly-self.  Which provokes the question: If this is true -- and our True-Self remains beyond our vision and perceptive-understanding -- then why is the unseen self an enigma to us?  Unless we can factually answer this question, we will remain counterfeit with respect to our True Soul-Reality. 
The bottom line is this: Without understanding the Journey of the Soul and the purpose of the experiences of this life, it will remain virtually impossible to comprehend the realities of the life that we are presently living.  If I were to say that our True-Self -- i.e., our Soul-Self -- has existed since the dawn of time -- and because of the self-ignorance of man in his organic condition of mind, the vast majority of people only develop at a snails pace.  Which means that the question then becomes: How many lives of limited value and accomplishments are you willing to live -- totally alienated from your True-Self -- aimlessly wandering in a state of abject ignorance, in what has been portrayed as The Valley of the Shadow of Death?  On the meaning that is personified in these words it is written: "A symbolic description of the world, meaning darkness and death are (symbolic) valleys on earth one must walk through as part of the human experience".  
In the Gospels Jesus portrayed this world as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see http://OuterDarkness.Nazirene.org ).  The Wikipedia states that: "In Christianity, the outer darkness is a place referred to three times in the Gospel of Matthew (8:12, 22:13, and 25:30) into which a person may be 'cast out', and where there is 'weeping and gnashing of teeth.'"  Stating that until the person makes change in their lives, that they will remain in the the death of this realm.  From a biblical perspective (see Bible Study Tools) it is written: "The Hebrew word translated 'shadow of death' is used poetically for thick darkness (Job 3:5), as descriptive of Sheol (Job 10:21; 12:22; 38:17); figuratively of deep distress (Job 12:22; 16:16; 24:17; 28:3; 34:22 (in the last three passages the American Standard Revised Version has "thick darkness" and "thick gloom"); Psalms 23:4, the Revised Version margin "deep darkness (and so elsewhere)"; 44:19; 107:10,14; Isaiah 9:2; Jeremiah 2:6; 13:16; Amos 5:8; Matthew 4:16; Luke 1:79, skia thanatou). The Hebrew word is perhaps composed of tsel, "shadow," and maweth, "death," and the idea of "the valley of the shadow of death" was most probably derived from the deep ravines, darkened by over-hanging briars, etc., through which the shepherd had sometimes to lead or drive his sheep to new and better pastures".  What this means is that each person who has been personified in the Gospels as the lost prodigal son/daughter, will remain in the darkness of the valley of the shadow of death or Far Country, until they bring about the necessary changes and advancement within themselves -- regardless of who many lifetimes is required.  And this higher Soul-Reality is why the pre-Nicene Church Father Origen stated:  “Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis). 
When the question is posed: Did the Jews in the first century believe in the pre-existent soul?  Meaning, did your Soul exist prior to your birth into this present life.  The Hastings-Scribner Dictionary Of The Bible (New York, 1903. Bk 4, p. 63) "To affirm that Jews in Christ's time did not believe in pre-existence is simply incorrect" And that the journey of the Soul over the course of many lives was an important element of discussion between Jesus and his disciples, was the reason this question was asked.   In view of the fact that the Gospel teachings evolved out of the Essenes (see The Essenes And The Dead Sea Scrolls http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#Essene ), the witness of Josephus who was a contemporary of the man Jesus who lived among the Essenes stated that the Essenes “…resigned up their souls with great alacrity, as expecting to receive them again.  For their doctrine is this, that bodies are corruptible, and that the matter they are made of is not permanent; but that the souls are immortal, and continue for ever; and that they came out of the most subtle air, and are united to their bodies as to prisons, into which they are drawn by a certain natural enticement; but that when they are set free from the bonds of flesh, they then, as released from a long bondage, rejoice and mount upward...”.   Why did the Essenes believe that their Souls are Immortal and can be united to many physical bodies across the span of many lifetimes of Soul-Development?  Because their foundational mindset and lifestyle opened their eyes and minds to their Soul's Higher Reality that organic "natural" man is blind to.     
Fortunately, a segment of modern Science has begun to prove the validity of the Wisdom of the Mystic (see Science Proves Spiritual Truths) -- but because academia rejected and abandoned core scientific principles, and has programmed students with Scientism and suppressed the authentic tenets of genuine Science (see Wholeness And The Cosmology Of Mind http://KnowThySelf.Nazirene.org#WholenessAndCosmologyOfMind ), our educational systems have become a greater detriment to mankind than institutionalized corrupted religious teachings that misguide the vast multitude of faith-based believers.   What is genuine science?  It is the seeking of Truth and Facts without predefined limits and borders.  When the Europeans believed that the earth was flat, they were shackled by their predefined belief that if they sailed out too far west into the ocean, they would fall of the face of the (flat) earth.   Thus, most of science has failed to seek out Truth and Facts because of their predefined limits and self-imposed borders.  
While the case can be made with respect to corrupted scriptures where the most important teachings were either edited, removed or totally corrupted, an even greater causal-factor of mankind dwelling in a cocoon of abject self-ignorance in our modern day, is seen in the reality that what is portrayed as science is actually Scientism which has suppressed and limited all valid scientific inquiries and research.  Scientism is defined as "...an ideology that promotes science as the only objective means by which society should determine normative and epistemological values" (see Wikipedia).   In the article Science versus Scientism it is stated: "Scientism is a dogmatic ideology which presumes that 'science,' in the narrower sense of the word, has the answers to all questions. For believers in scientism the claims of metaphysics are invalid and have no bearing on reality. The physical cosmos is all there is. There is nothing but three dimensions (or four if we include time as a dimension) which are perceived with our five senses. This is all there is and this is therefore all that is worth studying."   Scientism excludes and ignores whatever is not three-dimensional and physical, and therefore inhibits man from achieving any degree of Wholeness which would enable him to achieve true Enlightenment and Knowing. 
Modern cutting-edge Science has proven that the Scientism that has dogmatically ignored and even denied higher Truth and Knowledge, has been as an anchor that has enslaved mankind in the abyss of abject self-ignorance.  And when understood, Scientism has actually supported faux-religious doctrines that have alienated blind-believers from the very purpose and objectives of the essence of their religious teachings.  In an article Things That Science Can't Explain by Dr. Claude Swanson, he writes: "There are many things modern science cannot explain, and yet they occur anyway. This includes phenomena in the "hard sciences" as well as in the paranormal. These effects are now being proven in the laboratory, even though they defy present scientific theory. These unfolding mysteries point the way to a new, deeper science, a science which no longer denies spirit and consciousness, but acknowledges and embraces them.  In the past three decades scientific evidence has accumulated showing that the present scientific paradigm is broken."  Why is the present scientific paradigm that is promoted and championed by academia broken?   Being Scientism, it is counterfactual because it is based upon a preordained objective that has been proven to be gravely flawed.   
Without understanding the Journey of the Soul, our science will continue to be plagued by more questions than it has answers -- our philosophies will remain anemic -- and our religions will remain plagued by a lack of any real substance.   And regardless of the path in life we choose -- i.e., science, philosophy, religion -- it will remain impossible for us to understand the very life that we are presently living.   In the same way that the Atlantic ocean serves as a barrier that separates Europe and the Americas, until recently the world of Scientism has maintained predefined limits and intellectual borders that has inhibited their quest for essential truth and facts -- thereby rendering the scientific community intellectually-impotent.  And because academia has remained within the predefined limitations of scientism's failing to understand the Journey and Reality of the Soul --  embracing a school of thought that can best be portrayed as a new edition of myth in scientism's rejection of boni-fide truth and facts -- our modern culture can rightly be portrayed as based and founded upon a new variety of quasi-superstition and self-imposed ignorance.  

The above has been quoted from The Mental-Shackles Of Faux-Science And Fallacious-Religion http://KnowThyself.Nazirene.org#MentalShackles