Friday, October 7, 2022

Thomas Paine On Miracle Allegories


The Allegorical Meaning of the Miracles

Deists Reject the Historical or Literal interpretation of the Miracles. Thomas Paine understood the nature of the problem that anchored the Christian world to a condition of profound ignorance allegories that held a metaphysical meaning. In that article entitled Of The Religion Of Deism Compared With The Christian Religion, Paine hit the nail on the head when he writes:

But the Church of Rome having set up its new religion, which it called Christianity, invented the creed which it named the Apostle's Creed... It then manufactured the allegories in the book of Genesis into fact, and the allegorical tree of life and the tree of knowledge into real trees, contrary to the belief of the first Christians, and for which there is not the least authority in any of the books of the New Testament; for in none of them is there any mention made of such place as the Garden of Eden, nor of anything that is said to have happened there. But the Church of Rome could not erect the person called Jesus into a Savior of the world without making the allegories in the book of Genesis into fact, though the New Testament, as before observed, gives no authority for it. All at once the allegorical tree of knowledge became, according to the Church, a real tree, the fruit of it real fruit, and the eating of it sinful. As priestcraft was always the enemy of knowledge, because priestcraft supports itself by keeping people in delusion and ignorance, it was consistent with its policy to make the acquisition of knowledge a real sin...

...Reason is the forbidden tree of priestcraft, and may serve to explain the allegory of the forbidden tree of knowledge, for we may reasonably suppose the allegory had some meaning and application at the time it was invented. It was the practice of the Eastern nations to convey their meaning by allegory, and relate it in the manner of fact. Jesus followed the same method, yet nobody ever supposed the allegory or parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the Prodigal Son, the ten Virgins, etc., were facts. Why then should the tree of knowledge, which is far more romantic in idea than the parables in the New Testament are, be supposed to be a real tree? The answer to this is, because the Church could not make its new-fangled system, which it called Christianity, hold together without it. To have made Christ to die on account of an allegorical tree would have been too barefaced a fable.

The Allegorical Meaning of the Miracles

The Gospels are not historical accounts -- but rather, accounts pertaining to the transformation of the seeker's own mind as they strive to enter in through the "narrow gate" -- and as the prodigal son/daughter, be restored to the Edenic Kingdom (see ). When you open the scriptures, you are studying your own mind and consciousness if you pick up your own cross and travail in TheWay. If you fail to be restored to the Kingdom, then you will continue to live however many lifetimes is required for you to become Whole and Perfect -- as stated by the pre-Nicene Church at The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On Reincarnation

Original Facebook post by Kevin Bonecutter: The allegorical meaning of the "Miracles of Jesus" provide a more miraculous understanding than the literal stories. The wonder is not in the manipulation of the physical nature, but rather the awakening or enlightenment of our spiritual nature.
The raising of Lazarus from the dead symbolizes the raising of the spirit of someone who was spiritually dead.
The feeding of the 5,000 symbolizes the preaching and sharing of the Truth to feed their spirit. One person can change the hearts of many by preaching Truth.
Walking on water symbolizes the overcoming of fear and worldly problems. Waters in scripture symbolize the earthly challenges we must face to grow our spirit.
Changing of water into wine symbolizes the alchemical transformation of purifying ourselves to function fully in the spirit, rather than the physical nature.
Healing the blind man symbolizes the opening of a spiritually blind person's eyes to be able to see truth.

The true miracle is when a person finds truth, raises their spirit and achieves enlightenment!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Socialist Dependency vs Constitutional Gospel Opportunity

Socialist Dependency vs Constitutional Gospel Opportunity

When you maintain a person's dependency on the state or church as in the various forms of Socialism, you inflict grave harm upon the the people's ability to develop and evolve to their true potential.  If we are the ego or earthly-self -- and our True-Self dwells in the Inner Kingdom, which is an inner dimension of Higher Consciousness -- then the focus must be on presenting all people with the ability and environment for them to advance as the original Gospels taught.

If the Kingdom and our True-Self exists at a higher level of consciousness within us (see Luke 17:20-21), then the question must be posed: What is blocking and inhibiting our ability to tap into our Inner or True-Self? The answer: Our own ignorance of the Natural Laws that are allegorically represented as the rungs of Jacob's Ladder -- see The Law Of Jacob's Ladder And Mental Advancement . But, secular governments and quasi-religious groups saw these teachings on how to fulfill the Law, and they corrupted them to convert the message of the Gospels in order to seduce the people into following the man-made dogma of church and state (see The Corruption Of The Gospel Texts   ) .   But, in our present timeframe, using Fakenews and Social Media, these same souls are presently inhibiting the Natural Freedom of the people to understand and fulfill the Laws as Jesus originally taught. And now that these same faux-leaders and authorities have corrupted and destroyed the path for the lost prodigal sons and daughters to be restored to the Edenic Kingdom (see The Gate Of Eden  ), they are attempting to rewrite history and the accounts of their previous failures that have enslaved the people.

The Church originally taught the development of the Soul over the course of many lifetimes -- see The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On Reincarnation . The promise to never abandon the sincere seeker, has been maintained as the original followers of Jesus re-entered this world over the course of many lives to guide their brothers and sisters in TheWay back to the Edenic Kingdom (see    . And these same Souls re-entered this realm as the Constitutional Framers to insure unalienable God Given Rights that provide the people with the opportunity to spiritually advance. But in the same way that the coin of opportunity has two sides, many of the same souls who undermined the undermined the teachings of Jesus in their previous lives, are again present attempting to destroy the Constitutional framework of the United States, as the same way they turned the people away from the Original Gospel teachings in the past (see  ).  Which means that your future is presently in your hands.   Will you repeat and support their cycle of destruction again? Will you invoke another cycle of the Dark Ages again?  Or will you embrace the original Gospel teachings, and climb the rungs of Jacob's Ladder -- escape the "outer darkness" of mind and being -- as you develop the ability to be restored to the Edenic Kingdom?

Socialism enslaves you by making you dependent upon government handouts -- rather than the Constitutional Freedoms that provide you the opportunity to advance to your full potential, and become all that you can be.  Jesus taught that you are his brother or sister with the potential to know and do all that he accomplished in his life. And this potential is the foundation of American Exceptionalism and Opportunity by fulfilling the Law as Jesus taught -- see The Law Of The Gospels
AND Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow Gate